Soothing Relief for
Painful Feet & Problem Nails

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6 Sawmill Yard, Blair Atholl
Perthshire, PH18 5TL

VAT Reg:762 0623 48
Registered in Scotland
Company N° 214929

My feet are unrecognisable
"Thanks for the opportunity to buy the marvellous 'Pedilux'. My feet are unrecognisable after 3 months. For years I have wished that such a system was available - thanks again. "
Mrs. M.G. Derby

Sapphire Grinding Wheel

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The Sapphire Grinding Wheel allows the shortening and shaping of nails on your hands and feet right into the corners. Thus preventing nails from growing in - especially toe nails.

Use the Sapphire Grinding Wheel to file your toe and finger nails properly and free the corners in no time. Nails treated regularly in this way grow better, stronger, and with less chance of growing in. (Supplied as Standard)

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